

The association Licht-Kunst-Speicherstadt e. V. was and is the driving force behind the realisation of the illuminated Speicherstadt. It was founded in September 2000 by committed companies and private individuals in a joint initiative with the Senate.

The illuminated Speicherstadt was financed by membership fees, monetary donations, bridge sponsorships and donations in kind.

The purpose of the association is the promotion of art and culture. It promotes the listed character of the Speicherstadt, making the public aware of it and making it accessible.

The Licht-Kunst-Speicherstadt e. V. association has its registered office in 20457 Hamburg, Bei St. Annen 1 and is entered in the Hamburg register of associations as a non-profit association.

The association meets regularly to promote the further expansion of the lighting project. The work of the association is coordinated by a board of directors and carried out by an executive director.

The Board of Directors

Rainer Nelde (Spokesman)
HPC GmbH & Co. KG

Micha­el Batz
Ham­burg Art Ensemble

Tom Schlotfeld
Schlotfeldt Licht

Moritz von Bismarck
Spei­cher­ha­fen GmbH & Co KG

Advisory boards
Monument Protection Office

Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg, Senate Chancellery

Chief Building Director, Department of Urban Development and Housing


The Licht-Kunst-Speicherstadt e.V. association has been recognised as a non-profit organisation and is permitted to issue donation receipts.

The association account is held at GLS Bank.
IBAN DE 69 4306 0967 1317 9281 00

The association accepts members at any time. For more details, please contact the office of the association. You can also send us a membership application right here:

The annual membership fee is currently at least 500.00 Euros.


The illumination of the Speicherstadt is a joint effort by many people who were inspired by the idea of illuminating this traditional commercial area.

Well-known citizens and renowned companies have joined forces to express their attachment to the Speicherstadt:


Accenture GmbH

Adalbert Zajadacz GmbH

Ameron Hotelgesellschaft Hamburg GmbH

arvato systems GmbH

Biwermau Gesellschaft von Architekten mbH

Contipark Parkgaragen GmbH

ECE Projektmanagement GmbH & Co. KG

Energie Vertrieb Deutschland EVD GmbH

FML Finanzierungs- und Mobilen Leasing GmbH & Co. KG

Gebrüder Heinemann SE & Co. KG

Gerresheim serviert GmbH

Hälssen & Lyon GmbH

Hafen Hamburg Marketing e.V.

HafenCity Hamburg GmbH

Hamburger Hafen und Logistik AG

Hamburg Port Authority

HPC Hamburg Properties Cons. GmbH & Co KG

Horst Busch Elektro-Technik GmbH

Internationales Maritimes Museum Peter Tamm sen. Stiftung

J.J. Darboven GmbH & Co. KG


Knaack-Krane Transporttechnik GmbH

Madison Hotel Hamburg

mareverlag GmbH & Co. oHG

mateco GmbH

Michael Batz

Miniatur Wunderland Hamburg GmbH

Nord Event GmbH

NORKA Norddeutsche Kunststoff- und Elektrogesellschaft Stäcker mbh & Co. KG

Quantum Immobilien AG

Rahimi Handel Import Export

Rainer Abicht Elbreederei GmbH & Co. KG

Restaurant Schönes Leben in der Speicherstadt


Speicherhafen GmbH & Co. KG

Sehlmann Fensterbau GmbH

Signify Gmbh

soft-park GmbH

Speicherstadt Kaffeerösterei

Spicy’s Spice Museum GmbH

Stage Entertainment — Theater Services GmbH

Stiftung Historische Museen Hamburg / Speicherstadtmuseum

Verein der Am Caffeehandel betheiligten Firmen

Warner Music Group Germany Holding GmbH

Weber & Möller GmbH

Das Wasserschloss © ELBE&FLUT / Heinz-Joachim Hettchen
Das Wasserschloss © ELBE&FLUT / Heinz-Joachim Hettchen


Hamburg entrepreneur and patron Alexander Otto has been associated with the Speicherstadt illumination project from the very beginning. With considerable support from his “Lebendige Stadt Foundation”, he provided the decisive impetus for the realisation of this large-scale urban project in 2000, which was completely new in its kind nationwide. Entrepreneurs such as Michael R. Neumann (Neumann Group), Albert Darboven (J.J. Darboven), Claus and Gunnar Heinemann (Gebr. Heinemann) as well as companies such as HHLA and PHILIPS joined in at the time, creating the basis for the founding of the “Licht-Kunst-Speicherstadt” association.

In addition to membership, the Speicherstadt Light Art Association offers interested individuals or companies the opportunity to sponsor one of the thirteen bridges in the Speicherstadt.

The following companies and private individuals have made use of this so far.


J.J. Dar­bo­ven GmbH & Co. KG

Prof. Dr. Wer­ner Otto

Neu­mann-Grup­pe GmbH

Tchi­bo Frisch-Röst-Kaf­fee GmbH

Flug­ha­fen Ham­burg GmbH

Phil­ips Licht

Their financial commitment to the illuminated Speicherstadt is highlighted on a bridge sign.

Erstes Verwaltungsgebäude, Kaffeebörse und Sandthorquai-Hof © ELBE&FLUT / Thomas Hampel
Erstes Verwaltungsgebäude, Kaffeebörse und Sandthorquai-Hof © ELBE&FLUT / Thomas Hampel



  • Phil­ips Licht
  • IBBen­ick Inge­nieur­bü­ro Benick
  • Horst Busch Elek­tro­tech­nik GmbH
  • Joa­chim Bas­ti­an Metallbau
  • Lackie­run­gen Peters GmbH & Co
  • ABC Schil­der Service
  • Robert Sei­del GmbH
  • Elek­tro Bel­lut GmbH
  • Alles am Seil (Sön­ke Müller)
  • Elek­tro Löhr GmbH
  • NICO Pyro­tech­nik GmbH & Co.KG
  • Sie­vers Con­sul­ting GmbH
  • Bekos Bewa­chungs- und Kontrolldienst
  • Auen­land Events GmbH
  • Abicht Elbree­de­rei GmbH
  • Die Bar­kas­sen­ree­de­rei­en im Ham­bur­ger Hafen
  • Ham­bur­ger Abendblatt
Kesselhaus © ELBE&FLUT / Thomas Hampel
Kesselhaus © ELBE&FLUT / Thomas Hampel


The association “Licht-Kunst-Speicherstadt e.V.” aims to realise the project “Artistic Illumination of the Speicherstadt”.

Click here to download the statutes of the association as a pdf-document (66 KByte).

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